A New Business Kicks An Old Habit
Who would have thought that an unhealthy old habit had the potential to provide a great opportunity for starting a new business? It would seem that the tobacco shops both near and far may have their work cut out for them. Regardless of their smoking status, it’s obvious that loads of entrepreneurs are jumping on the new fad of e-cigarette shops and offering smokers many smokeless options! You’ve got to love the opportunities it provides; giving smokers the chance to kick old habits and business owners a new way to make a buck!
Silly or Smart?
After doing just a quick read of many of the great opinions and best electronic cigarette reviews to be found on the web, it would seem that opting into this booming business might be genius! With a sizable, potentially already addicted, existing customer base, and a huge push for healthier people and populations, it would seem like a win- win situation. Add to that comparable pricing, and being the new, cool think to do, it seems like a slam dunk!
Sweet and Sexy…
To be honest, there are many people, both past and present, that could benefit from giving up the yuck of a stinky cigarette and moving to a sophisticated, sleek e-cigarette. And how cool is that you can change up your e-cigarette much like you would your purse or shoes? Or for the guys out there, stick one in your shirt pocket that says sexy and strong?
Not only is the smell stale of smoke eliminated, but you could also choose a flavor or scent based on your mood or time of day. Even for those who don’t smoke the flavors and feel of the e-cigarette are compelling as a new way to make a fashion statement!
Let’s do as the Europeans Do
From the recent articles and the best electronic cigarette reviews, it is clear that Europe is marching down the path to entrepreneur success with their boutiques and little e-cigarette shops. It would seem from their success that it is a great time to get on this train. After all, why should they have all of the fun?
What’s the Catch?

It’s tough to imagine that smoking, with its negative rap, could end up being a good thing for a budding business guru. Interestingly enough, the only downside at the moment would seem to be how fast you can get to market. The product seems great, due to lower taxing the pricing is positive, and people seem to be ready to get healthy and try something new!
Food for Thought
Simply put, it will be interesting to see how this trend takes shape. The boom it has made in Europe is just crazy and will certainly spread quickly across the globe. For those that choose to hop on the bandwagon it could be a lucrative way to make a buck and for others it could a change for a healthier, happier life. It will be interesting to see if this fad continues to gain fame, especially for those that hop on for the ride!