CPS’s Unforgettable Experience at the United Stores Let’s Connect Expo 2023!
Last week, Consumer Priority Service (CPS) attended the United Store’s Let’s Connect Expo, and we had an incredible experience! It was an honor for us to showcase the CPS Exclusive United Stores Warranty Program, which offers up to eight years of warranty coverage on Appliances, TVs, and Furniture for Nationwide United Stores Inc Members.
As soon as we arrived, we were amazed by the energy of the expo. It was filled with retailers, exhibitors, and business owners who all shared a common passion for innovation. It was inspiring to be a part of such a dynamic event, and we couldn’t wait to introduce our incredible warranty program to all of the attendees.
“I’ve been to many expos throughout my career, but United Stores Let’s Connect Expo was truly exceptional. It wasn’t just about making connections but creating genuine relationships with people who share the same values as CPS. We are immensely grateful to United Stores for inviting us to this world-class event. We couldn’t be more excited for what the future holds, and we’re eager to see what’s in store for CPS and United Stores partnership.” – Nelson Muniz, CPS Executive Sales Manager

We met a variety of United Stores members at the expo, and we were excited to tell them about the benefits of the CPS warranty program. Our program includes multiple options, from new products with a manufacturer’s warranty to scratch-and-dent or open-box items that don’t come with a manufacturer’s warranty. Regardless of the item, CPS offers comprehensive coverage, which provides peace of mind for our clients.
Throughout the expo, we were thrilled to connect with so many new friends and colleagues. It was heartening to see the genuine interest people had in our product and the excitement they had to work with us.
As we talked to attendees, we found them eager to offer CPS warranties to all of their customers. It was exciting to sign up new dealers on the spot and know that they would be able to offer their customers our unique, reliable coverage.
Overall, attending the United Store’s Let’s Connect Expo was an incredibly valuable experience for us. We’re so glad we had the opportunity to share our CPS Exclusive United Stores Warranty Program with such a fantastic audience.
If you’re interested in learning more, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help!
A leader in service plans, Consumer Priority Service provides extended warranties on a wide range of consumer electronics, computers, appliances, power tools, and more. With an A.M. Best rating of “A-” (Excellent) and hassle-free online control, customers can rest assured they will receive the ultimate service plan experience. From Date of Purchase to OEM Parts and Labor Service Plans and everything in between, CPS provides unmatched protection on products, new or refurbished. For retailers, e-commerce, and manufacturers looking for a reliable warranty partner – CPS is the best choice.