Rootsy: A Social Network for Family Members Only

Certain things should be kept in the family – everybody knows that. But on planet Facebook, that feat has turned virtually impossible. That’s why a pack of entrepreneurs in New York City have recently launched a site called Rootsy. The new social networking site is for you and your family – and…

Tech-Savvy Home Appliances Have Already Hit the Market

These days, home appliances are becoming as innovative as our favorite tech toys like smartphones tablets, MP3 players, e-readers and more. Along with these popular gadgets, home appliances are also being reworked in order to provide consumers with higher levels of sustainability, energy efficiency…

Students: Save Big on Books at these Sites

The new school year is just around the corner. And for many university-goers this translates into the upcoming obligation to shell out loads of your - or your parents - cash for school supplies including a trendy new book bag, maybe a scientific calculator, but most importantly, those…

Verdict In: Apple Wins $1 Billion in Battle with Samsung

After two years of back-and-forth bickering between two of the biggest tech giants ever, Samsung and Apple, a verdict has finally unfolded. The unanimous decision was made that Samsung’s smartphones and tablets have in fact infringed upon Apple’s property, patents, trademarks and user interfaces.…

Facebook and CNN Create 'I'm Voting' App Just in Time for Election Day

Wearing your political heart on your Facebook sleeve just got a whole lot easier (as if it weren’t easy enough), thanks to a new app courtesy of Facebook and CNN. With the app, Facebook users need only click here and there a few times in order to broadcast their standpoints on candidates and every…

Five Ways to Go Keyboard Krazy

If you work in an office, chances are your surroundings can get to be a little jaded now and then. While most of us don’t have the luxury or permission to gut-renovate our cubicles, we can at least take some measures to change the little things, like our tech accessories, so our work environment…

Apple Vs. Samsung: Trial Ready for Closing Arguments

The jury in one of the most epic patent trials in history is set to make a decision shortly. The panel, which consists of nine men and women, has been listening for over three weeks now to testimony, evidence and other pertinent data from technology and patent experts as well as company executives…

Barnes & Noble Nook Sales Fall as Digital Content Sales Rise

Barnes & Noble’s reported recently that sales of its popular line of tablets and e-readers have plummeted in the bookseller’s fiscal 2013 first quarter ending July 28th. But it wasn’t all bad news for the giant book retailer, because digital content sales actually rose 46%, which was just…

Five of the Fittest 'Nerds' in the Tech Arena

Most people think that technical fitness has little – or nothing – to do with physical prowess. Well, times have changed, friends. The stereotypical tech-savvy “nerd” isn’t the four-eyed, Dorito-munching, slightly-overweight exercise phobic that TV, the movies and of course the media, has led us to…

Apple Stock Hits New High

It should come as no surprise that Apple’s stock rocketed to a new high last week – with so many rumors swarming about the digital orchard, people were bound to want to a bit of this Apple. Among those rumors: that the tech titan is about to bless the market with not one, but a handful of…