Apple Boosts its Marketing Strategy After Feeling the Heat

Who hasn’t heard of an iPhone? In the past decade Apple products have been the leaders in innovation especially when it comes to producing the latest and greatest in smart phones. Almost everywhere you go you are bound to see someone sporting an iPod, iPad, or iPhone while simultaneously rocking…

Corning's Gorilla Glass: King of the Tech Jungle

If you haven’t heard of Gorilla Glass, it’s time you do. Because chances are, you own a piece of digital equipment that features the extra-strength, break-proof, scratch resistant technology that has, more than once, saved you the burden of a broken gadget – and hence some big bucks. The glass,…

Imo: Free Messaging – and a Whole Lot More

How do you message? Facebook Chat, Google Talk, AIM and Skype are just a few ways in which you can stay connected to your friends; and now there’s a new platform that takes messaging service to a new level. Imo not only lets you text for free from all of the aforementioned services but it also…

Newsweek to Kill Print Process, Surrender to Full Digital Identity

Not surprisingly, a legendary magazine many of us grew up flipping through while waiting on line at supermarkets for the few decades. Newsweek as chosen to kill its print version and abandon all to the digital venue. Says Editor-in-Chief of the Newsweek Daily Beast Company “We are announcing this…

Tap Into a Social Network that Can Save the Life of a Foster Child

You can use your iPhone to look up recipe ideas for tonight’s dinner, your tablet to purchase movie tickets, your BlackBerry to schedule a meeting, your notebook to update your Facebook status. But did you know you can also use your favorite digital device to substantially improve – and maybe even…

Airbridge: For Connecting Your Devices Wirelessly

There has recently been launched a new Kickstarter project called Airbridge that could very well turn many a tech-fanactic’s dream into reality. The endeavor has the potential of having your television mirror exactly what you are seeing on you iPad without having to connect the two devices…

The Best Apps for Job Seekers

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between those folks who are landing jobs and those others who seem to be in perpetual interview prison? Wherein one interview after another never seemsto end in an offer? You might say well at least they are getting interviews! But the fact still…