Nestlé Packs GPS Devices Into Chocolate Bars to Track Down Buyers

Nestlé’s Kit-Kat just landed the role of the Wonka Bar in a modern version of the famed Golden Ticket scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The company has installed GPS units inside the wrappers of six Kit-Kat bars. While those chocoholics who are lucky enough to unwrap one of the…

Samsung to Add iPhone 5 to Litany of Patent Lawsuits Against Apple

Apple can’t say it wasn't warned. Back in August, Samsung declared a clear admonishment to Apple: that is the company’s upcoming iPhone 5 (available for purchase tomorrow, September 21) featured LTE, Samsung would sue Apple. That was no bluff. Papers have already been filed in regards to the…

Is Apple Maps a Cartographer's Nightmare?

It didn’t take long for users to report some serious glitches with the new iOS 6 which come stuffed with a slew of new features like Facebook integration. However, one new feature, Apple Maps, may mark a major oopsy-daisy for the company. With the iPhone 5 set to hit shelves tomorrow, this is…

What's So Great About iOS 6? Everything.

The iOS 6 has arrived, and it’s time to make the decision on whether or not to upgrade. The consensus amongst techies seems to be a great big YES, and here are five reasons why you will probably share this sentiment: Facebook Wait for it…wait for it…and BAM! It’s here: Facebook’s been tossed into…

What to Expect with the New iTunes 11

Alongside a string of many announcements made by Apple last Tuesday was the broadcast of a revamped iTunes.The rejuvenated version of this much-loved music software has undergone some changes that many of those tuned-in to the program will find pretty fantastic. Apple’s senior vice president of the…

Tap Into a Social Network that Can Save the Life of a Foster Child

You can use your iPhone to look up recipe ideas for tonight’s dinner, your tablet to purchase movie tickets, your BlackBerry to schedule a meeting, your notebook to update your Facebook status. But did you know you can also use your favorite digital device to substantially improve – and maybe even…

Digital Comics to Hit Amazon!

Netflix is not alone when it comes to seeking out new strategies to deliver more content under its brand. Amazon is trying to expand, too. Amazon Studios recently announced that it will be releasing it’s very first self-commissioned digital comic, an adaptation of the Blackburn Burrow Civil War…

Is it Time Yet? Rounding Up the Apple Products that Are Almost Here

It’s not quite Fall yet, but already the Apples are arriving in bushels – so much so that even a tech journalist like me needs to step back, regroup, and take a look at what exactly is soon to hit the shelves. Here’s an organized roundup of what’s in store for tech junkies chomping at the bit for…

Airbridge: For Connecting Your Devices Wirelessly

There has recently been launched a new Kickstarter project called Airbridge that could very well turn many a tech-fanactic’s dream into reality. The endeavor has the potential of having your television mirror exactly what you are seeing on you iPad without having to connect the two devices…

Welcome to the World, Kindle Paperwhite

The release of the Barnes & Noble Nook with GlowLight was a clear foreshadowing of Amazon’s retort with a similar e-reader-with-built-in-light; and this week we got to see that rebuttal in the form of the Kindle Paperwhite. But not only does this e-reader mock the GlowLight with its built-in…